Typical systems for flats.
With space a premium, getting the right configuration is important.
Every flat configuration is different and it makes a big difference who is living in the flats. Young families, for example, produce the largest quantities or material, older people significantly less. Retirement homes produce much more paper than general use flats and plastics capacity has increased rapidly in the last few years.
The maximum size of individual bins is governed by the weight of material in them.
The following is only a rough guide.
For every nine flats estimate one of each of the following:
Paper – 360 litre bin
Metal – 360 litre bin
Glass – 360 litre bin
Plastic – 660 litre bin
Cardboard – 660 litre bin
Food – 240 litre bin
NB: when the bin area is tight or an unusual shape it is sometimes more efficient to have 2 x 360 litres for cardboard or plastics than one large bin. Every location is different.