Single use plant pots

We are pretty much up to full strength in staff terms. No rounds will be missed.

Easter weekend traditional marks the beginning of the DIY and gardening season.

That generally means an explosion in the use of single use plastic plant pots (unlike Bill an Ben who were definitely not made from plastic).

Neither of these can be recycled at the kerbside.

That’s because both are what we call “hard plastic” which melts at a different temperature to container plastic.

In normal times these can be recycled down the Household Recycling Centre in the same skip as plastic garden chairs, toys and other large items.

But these aren’t normal times.

For gardeners this might be the year to plant seeds rather than buy ready flowering plants.

Some garden centres will take back plastic plant pots.

Perhaps it’s time we saw single use plastic plant pots the same way we see single use plastic bags.