
Newport Nappy Library – Case Study

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Important News: 

Reuse and borrowing come together in Aberdare


Education Room & School Visits

State of the art education room overlooking our recycling plant. Book your free visit here!

Education Rooms

Interested in visiting WasteSavers?

Run by experienced teachers aimed at meeting your curriculum needs. The new immersive experience includes interactive pods that explain facts about recycling materials such as: glass, metal, plastic, paper and textiles. The target audience is children aged 7 – 8 years old attending a half-day session led by our education team. All school children will attend the class with their teacher and assistant.

School Visits

The Primary Learning Goal: To learn the importance of recycling for the planet and how different materials are recycled.

The Secondary Learning Goal: Where materials come from.

Education Rooms

These goals are achieved through the following learning experience:


Interested in recycling education? Book a school visit

Learn more
Image for Interested in recycling education? Book a school visit