
Newport Nappy Library – Case Study

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Important News: 

Reuse and borrowing come together in Aberdare


Missed Collections

Has your recycling been missed? Find out what to do next.

Missed Collections

Have you had a missed collection?

Report a missed collection

Missed Collections

Recycling boxes get left for a number of reasons. Lets help you find out which one:

Sometimes residents accidentally put something in their bag or box which cannot be recycled (don’t worry, it happens to the best of us!) check your bag, box or caddy for a sticker or label. This will usually tell you which items we can and can’t take. Just remove the item and put it out for collection again the following week.

If in doubt check out A-Z of recycling for information.

Learn more

Why we may have left your recycling

Sometimes you may have placed out a large volume of recycling or large boxes and we can’t fit them all in our truck. In this case, we may be forced to leave some recycling to leave space for other residents, or we simply can’t get the box into our truck. Please place the additional material out next week and in the case of larger boxes you can always take this to the Household Waste Recycling Centre at the HWRC. Here you can recycle a range of materials:

Missed Collections

Items we cannot recycle

Looking for something else?

A-Z of Recycling

Want to know if you can recycle a specific item? Check our A-Z to find out!

Learn more

Replacement boxes

Need more boxes, caddies, bags or liners?

Learn more

What goes where?

Want to know if you can recycle a specific item? Check our A-Z to find out!

Learn more

Get in touch

Didn't find the information you were looking for?

Call us at:  

01633 281 281