
Newport Nappy Library – Case Study

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Newport Nappy Library – Case Study


Newport Nappy Library – Case Study

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Local mother tries reusable nappies - A case study

Nicola is a mother of two young children, a daughter aged 4 and a son aged 1. Nicola didn’t start using cloth nappies until her youngest was a toddler and, even then only used them part time. She shares how she made the leap to cloth with a toddler and how they fit into her life.

Nicola tried cloth nappies when potty training her eldest but she didn’t get on brilliantly with the type she had and as it was during covid lockdowns she couldn’t access support, so she gave up. When her youngest came along she was open to trying again but life with two kids was busy and she just didn’t get round to it.  Nicola also found a lot of the information available online overwhelming. Nicola was really aware of the negative impact of disposables on the environment, so used an eco brand but still felt she could be doing more.

Having the Nappy Library start at the Reuse Centre in Maindee was a gamechanger. Nicola realised it didn’t have to be all or nothing and every cloth nappy she used was one disposable saved from the waste stream. As she didn’t want to spend loads of money, as her toddler will probably only be in nappies another year or so, being able to have 7 cloth nappies free as part of their Spring promotion was a brilliant way to jump in, and made Nicola realise it was a lot simpler than she had first thought. Having Laura, the Nappy Library Co-ordinator, on hand to explain how the nappies worked and how to wash them in a simple way was just what was needed. Nicola stated, ‘Talking to a real person instead of reading a million facebook posts helped hugely. ‘