
Newport Nappy Library – Case Study

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Reuse and borrowing come together in Aberdare


Nappy Library

Interested in ditching the disposables and learning more about reusable nappies?

Nappy Library

What is a Nappy Library

A nappy library works just like a regular library, but rather than borrow books, the user can borrow reusable nappies. People also call these “reusable nappy libraries” or “cloth nappy libraries. Nappy libraries are great as they allow prospective reusable nappy families to try reusable nappies for a small cost.

Nappy Library

Nappy Library

Project History

Did you know in Wales we throw away around 140 million disposable nappies a year? Creating a huge waste and environmental problem.

So Wastesavers set up a Nappy Library in 2022 to help relieve this problem in South Wales, and is the only organisation currently employing a Nappy Library Co-ordinator in Wales.

At Wastesavers nappy library we help families who are interested in using a reusable alternative to disposable nappies to reduce their waste and the amount they spend on disposable nappies.

Our Reach


Free cloth nappies for families who are struggling with the cost of living.

With the high ongoing cost of disposable nappies and wipes we can also supply any families who need support with a free bundle of cloth nappies and reusable wipes which would help to cut down this cost.
As long as the families have access to a washing machine, powder and somewhere to dry them they can use cloth nappies. We can also offer advice and in person demonstrations for using the nappies.

Families can then use these nappies for as long as they need them, all we ask is that they are returned to us once they are finished with. The families don’t need referrals or to provide any financial information they just need to get in touch and ask for a community kit.

These free community nappies are completely stocked with donated nappies from families in the area who are no longer using them. We always welcome donations of useable condition nappies and cloth wipes. If you are looking to donate nappies get in touch and we’ll let you know the best place to drop them to, or drop them into any Wastesavers shop

To request a free community cloth nappy bundle get in touch either by email or via our social media pages.


Services the nappy library provides:

You can pay for your trial kit of cloth nappies by using the link below. We charge a £10 fee for this hire plus a refundable £25 deposit.


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Nappy Library

Nappy Library Locations

Number Of Shops: 0 PRINT

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